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Milne Bay Community Association Incorporated

~Preserving the continuity of Milne Bay Folk Music - 5key string band music~

Formally the Milne Bay Day Organising Committee, the Milne Bay Community Association Incorporated is now a
legally recognised entity registered with the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) that is purposed with raising
funds to support community initiatives to help people in Milne Bay Province, through community projects.

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2022 Kapole Fest

The popular Milne Bay (Provincial) Day will now be called - Kapole Fest and will be hosted in Port Moresby by
the Milne Bay Community Association Inc. This event is an avenue for pom residents to showcase Milne Bay art & craft, traditional food & displays on top of the cultural performance by community group representing the different districts of Milne Bay.

This event set to coincide with similar events in Alotau.

Kapole Jam Session

MBCA will host a Kapole Jam Session once a month dedicated to the art of Stringband music. Milne Bay music is known for the 5-key genre that utilises intricate guitar tuning and odd instruments, including the ukulele and the one-string bass to accompany harmonious vocals.
The purpose of the event is to encourage and appreciate Stringband style music among the Milne Bay community
of Port Moresby.
Follow the Milne Bay Community Association Facebook Page to catch the next venue for the Kapole Jam Session


Milne Bay Nite’ is now called Kapole Stringband Night in efforts to follow directives from the government to discourage the hosting of provincial days. It will happen twice – one in mid-year and at the end of the year - a continuation of the Kapole Fest and will begin at 6 pm. The event will showcase live performances from popular Milne Bay artists from the province as well as from within Port Moresby. All established Milne Bay musicians are welcome to participate.

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2018 saw the first-of-its-kind donation from the 2017 Milne Bay Day event which went towards the James Chalmers Memorial High School in Fife Bay, Suau LLG, an academically thriving school. In 2019, funds raised from Milne Bay Nite’ assisted the Huhu-Tulau women’s group of Alotau to procure an eye scanner and Keratometer for the Alotau General Hospital. These and more donations were made possible through the support shown from the Milne Bay community in Port Moresby by attending our events. We look forward to more support from the community in 2020 as we work together towards organising more events for our people in the near future.

For more information contact us on email

Picture courtesy of Natalie Sabbath and Mwasiana

©2020 by Milne Bay Community Association Incorporated. Proudly created with

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